Providing everyone access to clean drinking water without hassle or complexity by using our simple point-of-use water system with the power of gravity!

The heart of AIMM's innovation is its hierarchically porous carbon (HPC) material. HPCs are a tunable platform technology that AIMM has developed with PFAS water treatment in mind. AIMM's HPCs are tailored to remove 2-3 times more PFAS from water than traditional technologies like activated carbon (AC). Unlike AC, our HPCs can remove a broad range of PFAS, from traditional longer chains to the hard-to-remove shorter chains. Our HPCs are also tailored to remove contaminants FAST, in minutes versus hours or days for other sorbent technologies. Lastly, as a common carbon powder form factor, our HPCs can be easily adapted to existing water treatment processes and engineering routes.
Next Generation Technologies
AIMM’s expertise has been developed over the course of roughly 15 years in materials science research and enables us to take ordinary porous materials and make them effective at treating water contaminants of interest. To do this, we use our proprietary platform technology.
Learn about our company’s journey